9.2 Weather Hazards


In an accident case study by AOPA Air Safety Institute (2021), the impact of icing and freezing conditions on flight was examined. In 2018, a Cirrus SR22 suffered a fatal accident as a result of icing. The pilot had unknowingly flown into icing conditions, which requires visible moisture and temperatures below freezing, without any deicing equipment on the aircraft. The pilot communicated with air traffic control, attempting to fly above or below the cloud layers to avoid icing conditions. The pilot even asked air traffic control to divert and his "conversation with ATC indicate[d] that he understands the severity of the situation and decided his best course of action [was] to get on the ground" (Air Safety Institute, 2021). Unfortunately, it was too late and as the ice accumulated to a dangerous point, the pilot lost control of the aircraft and impacted terrain. 

Investigating aviation accidents resulting from weather brings attention to hazardous situations and allows pilots to learn from the mistakes of others. In this instance, the pilot did many things correctly that others fail to do, such as admitting to air traffic control that he was in trouble and asking for help. However, the pilots inattention to weather conditions along his route of flight and initial hesitation to ask for help and refusal to declare an emergency ultimately cost him his life. It is crucial for pilots to have knowledge on the anti-icing and deicing systems aboard their aircraft. Additionally, all pilots should become familiar with the most recent and up to date forecasts of weather along their route of flight in order to make informed decisions and avoid accidents similar to this one. 


Air Safety Institute. (2021, January 15). Accident case study: Trapped in Ice [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rryvSQhK7k 

Photo: https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/programs/weather/awrp/ifi


  1. Laura, thanks for sharing the learnings from the tragic incident involving the Cirrus SR22 which underscores the importance of comprehensive weather awareness and the appropriate use of deicing equipment. Pilots must have a deep understanding of how different weather conditions can affect their aircraft and be prepared to take the necessary actions to ensure safe flight. This statement from the video stood out: "Hope is not a strategy."
    It is important to note that weather changes can be sudden and unpredictable. Therefore, a solid understanding of the weather forecast along the flight route is crucial. The Cirrus SR22 accident serves as a sobering reminder that even the most experienced pilots can find themselves in dangerous situations due to adverse weather. It is a call to action for all pilots to prioritize weather awareness and preparation in their flight planning and train themselves to communicate effectively to avoid misunderstandings and assumptions in such critical scenarios.


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